District Chair

Responsible to the council president of the vice president of district operations to run the program of Scouting in their district as directed by the executive board of the council.

“I am not bound to win, but I am bound to be true. I am not bound to succeed but I am bound to live the best life that I have. I must stand with anybody that stands right and part from him when he goes wrong.”

Abraham Lincoln

Dr. Lynne Cox has served the Orion District since its inception in 2019 holding the Vice Chair of Finance Position while operating as Council Popcorn Kernal. She serves the youth of our district as Committee Chair of Troop 265 and as Scoutmaster of Troop 2, a female troop chartered with the changes to the bylaws of Scouting in 2019. Dr. Cox is a Wood Badge graduate having earned the District Award of Merit, Scouter’s Training Knot, and other awards.

Dr. Cox is a graduate of Texas A&M University (’92) with a degree in Architecture and University of North Texas (MEd, 2000 and PhD, 2010) focusing on Applied Technology and Performance Improvement with a minor in Organizational Behavior. Her studies also include areas of emphasis in statistics and Supply Chain/Operations Management. She has been an architecture instructor for Dallas ISD as well as a lecturer for the University of North Texas.

When not scouting, you can find Dr. Cox enjoying her time with family and friends, gardening in the yard, and chasing her children around living life to its fullest. She loves quilting and Texas A&M.

We are proud to welcome Dr. Lynne Cox in as the next District Chair for the Orion District and wish her the best Scouting has to offer as takes on her new volunteer role.