1. Scout works with Scoutmaster and beneficiary to develop proposal
  2. Scout works with beneficiary, Scoutmaster, and Committee Chair to have proposal completed and approved
  3. Once proposal form is complete, Scout sends email to OrionAdvancements@gmail.com with the following:
    • Scout’s Name
    • Scout’s Birthday
    • Life Board of Review Date
    • PDF of Eagle proposal with all parts filled in (attach pages if boxes do not adjust automatically)
    • Clear scan of signature page with beneficiary, Scoutmaster, and Committee Chair signatures
    • Any information related to a need to expedite process (such as specific date project must be done by, Scout turning 18, etc.)
  4. Orion Advancement logs and assigns to District Eagle Committee
  5. District Eagle Committee member contacts Scout to schedule proposal review
  6. District Eagle Committee reviews project proposal with Scout
    • If NOT APPROVED: Scout reworks proposal with Scoutmaster help and resubmits to District Eagle Committee for review
  7. Fundraising application required? (PLEASE NOTE: Longhorn Council has prohibited the use of GoFundMe accounts and any similar fundraising method where donations cannot be tracked)
  8. Eagle Project Coach assigned by District Eagle Committee member and the Scout is approved to start the project

All concerns, questions, and grievances should be addressed to OrionAdvancements@gmail.com.