- Scout works with Scoutmaster and beneficiary to develop proposal
- Scout works with beneficiary, Scoutmaster, and Committee Chair to have proposal completed and approved
- Once proposal form is complete, Scout sends email to OrionAdvancements@gmail.com with the following:
- Scout’s Name
- Scout’s Birthday
- Life Board of Review Date
- PDF of Eagle proposal with all parts filled in (attach pages if boxes do not adjust automatically)
- Clear scan of signature page with beneficiary, Scoutmaster, and Committee Chair signatures
- Any information related to a need to expedite process (such as specific date project must be done by, Scout turning 18, etc.)
- Orion Advancement logs and assigns to District Eagle Committee
- District Eagle Committee member contacts Scout to schedule proposal review
- District Eagle Committee reviews project proposal with Scout
- If NOT APPROVED: Scout reworks proposal with Scoutmaster help and resubmits to District Eagle Committee for review
- Fundraising application required? (PLEASE NOTE: Longhorn Council has prohibited the use of GoFundMe accounts and any similar fundraising method where donations cannot be tracked)
- Eagle Project Coach assigned by District Eagle Committee member and the Scout is approved to start the project
All concerns, questions, and grievances should be addressed to OrionAdvancements@gmail.com.